EU ANIHWA Project - Improved Understanding of Epidemiology of PPR (IUEPPR)

SharePoint Collaborators Portal


The Pirbright Institute, RVC, CIRAD, FLI, IAEA, SVA, KVI


Turkey, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, DRC, Mozambique, Ivory Coast


  1. To elucidate the role of wildlife in PPR emergence in Africa, Turkey and potentially in Europe using a risk analysis approach.
  2. To improve surveillance methods in wildlife habitats using a noninvasive sampling method and developing rapid and more sensitive diagnostic tests.
  3. To study the pathogenicity of PPVR in domestic ruminants by experimental challenge.
  4. To generate unique and complete genome sequences for PPVR using NGS to study host dynamics and to reconstruct high resolution transmission trees.

Work Coordination beetween the Work Packages:

IUEPPR Co-ordination/Management:


Thanks to EU Anihwa call 1 for supporting the grant.