EU ANIHWA Project - Improved Understanding of Epidemiology of PPR
SharePoint Collaborators Portal
The Pirbright Institute, RVC, CIRAD, FLI, IAEA, SVA, KVI
Turkey, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, DRC, Mozambique, Ivory Coast
- To elucidate the role of wildlife in PPR emergence in Africa, Turkey and
potentially in Europe using a risk analysis approach.
- To improve surveillance methods in wildlife habitats using a noninvasive
sampling method and developing rapid and more sensitive diagnostic tests.
- To study the pathogenicity of PPVR in domestic ruminants by experimental
- To generate unique and complete genome sequences for PPVR using NGS to
study host dynamics and to reconstruct high resolution transmission trees.
Work Coordination beetween the Work Packages:
IUEPPR Co-ordination/Management:
Thanks to EU Anihwa call 1 for supporting the grant.